Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Kind Of Hate Specific Iranians Have For America

If any of these countries are being influenced by Iran they should know they could potentially be added to the list. If they are being forced it is one thing, if they are making the choice to be influenced by Iran it is a completely different situation.
  • Enrique Pena Nieto - Mexico
  • Salvador Sanchez Ceren - El Salvador
  • Juan Orlando Hernandez - Honduras
  • Jimmy Morales - Guatemala . . .

I know the kind of hate specific Iranians have for America and Americans. Been feeling that hate and their wrath basically my entire life. I know the divide and conquer war they have in existence and it is a mind spinner, especially if you don't use your rational faculty properly.

They are extreme crafters at manipulation and control. They are the ones profiling, hacking, surveilling and you don't even know it. It would be a great prize for them to add Southern Countries to help in their defense, tactics, aim and gain of what they want. To destroy America!

They are the shiite muslims. The red box above is like the red box regarding the southern countries we are dealing with at the border. It's their shiite muslim territory, dominated by them. They're not about freedom and rights. Only about dictatorship and obedience to terrible values.

They prey on the vulnerable, whether individuals or countries. Only for the mere purpose of using them for their advantage. They hate life, if they conquered America it would roll back to the dark primitiveness many endured long ago. No electricity, no cars, cardboard shacks . . . and the like.

They are the anti-life, they could never build what was built by creators. They could never develop what was developed by developers. The only thing they can do is destroy, destroy it all.

If you seek to be influenced whether by an individual or a country, you should make the right choice about who that should be. That choice must be based on a philosophy. If you cherish life that philosophy must be based on values that you want to gain and keep.

Freedom and Individual Rights were the values the Founding Fathers had in mind over 200 years ago in America. It was a battle to achieve the Constitution, it is a battle to keep it and update it. If individuals and countries want to be influenced by values, they should consider the Constitution.