Wednesday, June 27, 2018

A Victory For The Travel Ban, It is Not A Muslim Ban!

If you want to identify and define the travel ban as a muslim ban, you are misinforming, misidentifying, misrepresenting, miseducating, . . . . and you are creating chaos, confusion. . . .

If you are a muslim or anyone else outraged about this ban, where is your outrage for the women in Iran that continue to live under obedience to crazy laws. The women in Saudi who have recently celebrated a victory for the first time and have finally ended the driving ban, but still are fighting for the end of male guardianship? No where, silence, you don't give a fuck about them.

But it sure feels powerful to give the deluded impression that you give a fuck about this ban. It is evident that your philosophical value systems you live by are twisted, distorted, perverted, double standards full of deception and hypocrisy. While your aim is changing America back to a primitive state, digging the ground with your bare hands, plowing the fields with oxen and the like.

When women in Iran and Saudi Arabia made the important choice to stay in their countries, to fight for their rights and freedom. They are moving forward even with enormous challenges. They're not the cowards, nor the ones trying to change countries back to what they don't want anymore. They are the heroes, unlike those outraged by this travel ban who are the cowards.

For a person like myself who has been gang stalked since 1979 by Iranian shiite muslims, who pitted my family, friends and country against me. This travel ban is a victory for me. I have first hand experience, with Iranians who don't deserve to live in America. There are plenty of Iranian women who would be better suited for America, than many Iranians that presently live here.

I'm an American woman who understands what these women in Iran and Saudi Arabia are faced with. Rude, deceptive, disrespecting, vicious, violent, Iranians who reside both in America and Iran. They don't give a fuck about Iranian women, Saudi women, nor America. They are terrorists!