Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Sign Petition: Confirm Gina Haspel As Acting CIA Director

"Tell DC to put National Security over party and politics 
- Confirm Gina Haspel as the next Director of the CIA"
Sign Petition @: ACT For America

"President Trump has nominated Acting CIA Director Gina Haspel to be our nation's next Director of the CIA. But, there are those who are talking about blocking this appointment - for no other reason than resisting our President!

Enough is enough.
Ms. Haspel has a stellar reputation and work record. She is a 30-year CIA career intelligence officer; known as an "intelligence and national security expert" who follows the law as written. Deputy Director Haspel, has demonstrated strong and clear leadership in very challenging positions."

Bottom line: Ms. Haspel is an intelligence expert who should be easily confirmed!

Tell your representative to confirm Gina Haspel For CIA Director: Sign Petition 

* I believe in torture and let me tell you why. For over 30 years me and my family have been tortured by shiite Islamic Iranians, their Asian friends and others in their gang. If you don't believe in torture let me give a you a taste of hell and then you just might. If you are an appeaser, light on proper justice for criminals, thugs, rapists, killers, gang bangers, terrorists . . . stay away from me.