Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Over 30 years of Personal Experience With Lying Iranians

"Iran will never trust America again"

"Iran had abided by this deal, and not only does America want to go back on its word, but it also seeks to spread lies about our activities" Hasan told me, angry at the narrative now coming out of the United States and Israel. "Look, I make movies for a living, and what the United States and Israel are doing today is a carbon copy of the screenplay they used to sell the invasion of Iraq in 2002. We were naive to think Americans would stick to their promises in this deal, but are the American people and the rest of the world really that naive to fall for the same lies again?"

"What my friends didn't see when they were rooting for the Iran deal," he recently told me solemnly, "was that there's a segment of the American political establishment that can never forgive us for kicking the United States out of Iran during the revolution in 1979. I mean, the United States was the shah's biggest ally, and then we came to power and told them they couldn't dictate how we governed anymore. And once we took their embassy and held their people hostage in 1980, that was a slap in their face. They can never forgive us for that. They want to see us broken at our knees. in complete surrender."

~ Read entire article and see photos @: Foreign Policy

I pulled two paragraphs from this article.

  • Hasan, the Iranian Revolution in 1979 is the carbon copy of the screenplay that you Iranians have been using in America, Israel and around the world. 
  • By moral default Hasan, the American people have felt guilty and sorry for Iranians.
  • By moral default Hasan, the American people have appeased and denied your lies.
  • Hasan I have personal experience of the lies Iranians tell
  • Hasan I was lied to by an Iranian man, who said he was not married
  • Hasan the same man then threatened me with the wife he lied about
  • Hasan this is what he said, "you are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who."
  • Hasan do you know what is more radical. This man and his wife were destroying my life and family behind our backs starting around 1979
  • Hasan trust me, I could never trust Iranians, or at least the majority of them. 
  • Believe me Hasan, I ain't playing games with Iran or Iranians.