Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Freedom Of Conscience In Iraqi Republic A One-Way . . .

- Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Dadr casting his ballot in the Iraqi election.
Found @: CNSNews

"Iraqi 'Republic': No Christian Converts"

"The 2017 State Department report on human rights in Iraq, which was released last month, begins by unambiguously declaring: "Iraq is a constitutional parliamentary republic."

It says, "The outcome of the 2014 parliamentary elections generally met international standards of free and fair elections and let to the peaceful transition of power from former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi."

- Sounds like a bastion of freedom and representative government.

When you actually read the report, however, you quickly discover it is not.

"The (Iraqi) penal code stipulates that any person convicted of promoting Zionist principles, association with Zionist organizations, assisting such organizations through material support, or working in any way to realize Zionist objectives, is subject to punishment by death," says the report.

This means that if you are an Iraqi and you join a group that gives "moral support" to the belief that Israel has a right to exist, the government of Iraq's constitutional parliamentary republic" can arrest you and execute you. 

- Freedom of conscience in the Iraqi republic is a one-way street. 

"The National Identity Card Law automatically registers minor children as Muslims if they are born to at least one Muslim parent or if either parent converts from another religion to Islam," says the human rights report.

"Personal status laws and regulations prohibit the conversion Of Muslims to other religions," elaborates the State Department's most recent report on religious freedom in Iraq."

~ Read entire article and see photos @: CNSNews

I am not religious, but these laws are the double standards that I continue to address in America.