Above graphic with article found @: AAUW.org
"On Oct. 12, in Madison, Wis., a female student went to police and filed a complaint against a 20-year-old student by the name of Alec Cook.
She said she and Cook had originally contacted each other via Facebook and gotten together four or five times since then, always in public.
But then, after studying with him at a college library and having dinner, he invited her to his apartment. According to an affidavit of probable cause obtained by The Washington Post, she told Cook she was not interested in casual sex “and if they weren’t on the same page she would just go home.”
Cook told her they would not “do anything she ‘wouldn’t feel comfortable with.'”
According to the affidavit, within five minutes he started kissing her. When she tried to speak he kissed her more forcefully. “‘This is much too fast, this needs to stop,'” she told him.

Above quote found @: Planned Parenthood.org
“He disregarded her command,” states the affidavit and began assaulting her sexually, ultimately pinning her to the bed with his body as she “physically struggled.” He “assaulted” her for “approximately the next 2.5 hours,” she told police, “and would yank her anywhere he wanted,” said the affidavit.
After news got out that he had been charged with the alleged assault, the floodgates opened.
Another student came forward later in the week and said the same man had assaulted her in February, according to a Madison Police Department statement. And then another, and another.
Now, said Sampson, police believe Cook has been sexually assaulting women since March 2015, growing progressively more aggressive.
She said that when they searched his apartment, they found a notebook documenting what she called “grooming and stalking techniques...”
Read entire article @: Washington Post