1. The Smallest Minority on Earth the Individual
Rights don't come from your culture or religion, they are a specific concept: that of man qua man. Culture(s) and religion(s) are NOT rights, they ARE beliefs. Rights don't harm, beliefs do! For thousands of years minds have been ingrained and controlled by certain concepts, ideas and practices that claim to be beneficial to life (especially females), when in REALITY they are destructive, detrimental and a death sentence to life. ALL about male entitlement and control!
2. Girls Not Brides and Child Marriage is Legal Rape
Child marriage is legal in every state in America and countries around the world. Pro-lifers is this the sacredness we bring girls into the world for? Marrying young girls to old men who abuse them everyday of their life? I am an adult dealing with these kind of entitled men. I know what these girls endure. Abuse, hell, torture and are usually discarded for another girl, without being able to get a divorce, because they have no money. Entitled men and appeasers breed this kind of hell.
3. Female Genital Mutilation
Here is the definition of Mutilation:
- the action of mutilating or being mutilated.
"a culture which found any mutilation of the body abhorrent"- the infliction of serious damage on something.
Mutilation is not sacred? Mutilation is a belief and infringes upon the rights of those it is performed on. It is the year 2017, many continue to adhere to books or cultures of the distant past. The purpose of those that want to continue this, is all about CONTROL, disempowerment, obedience, purity, male entitlement, nothing about RIGHTS! Eradicate Female Genital Mutilation!
4. Honor Violence Is Abuse

I have personal experience with this Horror and it is the Horror of HELL!
"What is Honor Violence?
Honor violence is an often-overlooked form of abuse that shames, hurts or kills thousands of women and girls in the US each year and puts millions more at risk. Honor violence is typically seen in the form of physical or emotional abuse, sexual assault, rape or kidnapping - but it also includes female genital mutilation..." Read entire article @: The AHA Foundation
Culture and Religion is NO Excuse for ABUSE!
5. Saudi Women Want Rights
I have first hand experience of the abuse, destruction, hell, terrorizing, and torture females living under the religion of Islam, endure. I am an American woman, not a Muslim, not religious. I did not vote for Hillary because here campaign took 20% of its donations from Saudi Arabia, running of a women's rights agenda! To me that betrayed my individual rights and those in Saudi Arabia who can barely, if at all speak out for their rights, for fear of death, lashes, imprisonment.
I know there are Muslim women who don't want their rights, that is your choice, I speak out for the ones that do. When minds and lives have been controlled by repeat messages, slogans, propaganda, ideology they are being automatically oppressed and suppressed. It takes an active mind to understand there is a different way of life, then that of CONTROL. Technology and social media are assets in standing up and speaking out for Individual Rights and Freedom for ALL.
C.A.I.R. Sharia, Segregation, Guardianship Are NOT RIGHTS
Saudi Women DEMAND Their RIGHTS
6. No Man Owns Me
It is the year 2017 I have changed my views and opinions on many things, due to extreme abuse and torture. Dealing with entitled, controlling, evil men who think you are their property gave me a big slap. Trust me I am NOT, was NOT or would ever be the woman to ABUSE and TORTURE! I don't adhere to mercy, I DEMAND JUSTICE! I am not out here to teach lessons, I am out here to lay down the LAW, to those who believe they are above it! Do you HEAR me Alieza Fatemi? Believe me Alireza Fatemi and your gang you are in for the greatest BITCH-SLAP of your lives.
I AM a DANGEROUS Person When You Abuse Me!
7. My Mind, Body, Life, Choices, Rights
If all leaders around the world adhered to the values of Individual Rights, Freedom and the Trader Principle the above atrocities and many others would not exist or only in limited amounts. Yes it is not reality to think you could eradicate all abuse, torture and evil, but it does not take a rocket scientist to understand why much of it occurs. It occurs because of those that like to control or be controlled, ancient and bizarre beliefs, male entitlement, cultures, religions.......