Friday, January 27, 2017

Don't Feed The Narcissist & Second Handers

I cannot control what other people do, or the choices and decisions they make. I am not a mind reader, a psychic, or a believer in a magical reality. My discernment for proper behavior has gone out the door, because the predator in my life and his gang are continually being feed, rewarded and admired. I have scorn and spite for the predator Alireza Fatemi and his gang, who initiated force directly and indirectly upon my life some 38 years ago.

There has been and is nothing productive about Alireza Fatemi and his gang. All I have been doing is surviving his HELL! He and his gang are the second handers of the world. A brief description of a second hander: "They have no concern for facts, ideas, work. They’re concerned only with people. They don’t ask: “Is this true?” They ask: “Is this what others think is true?” Not to judge, but to repeat. Not to do, but to give the impression of doing. Not creation, but show..." continue reading about second handers @: Ayn

If you want to continue feeding, worshiping and rewarding Fatemi I must tell you this. I will bring chaos, insanity and a nightmare of the same hell I have been given, into your world. Do NOT under estimate what I just said. My workouts are over, the only thing I will be working out since people think this should still be going on, is my dangerous bitch character. The time has come when enough is enough and that is what time it is for me, regarding the Fatemi FUCK SHOW!

The sign below is made and ready to fly and I don't give a 'Rats Ass' if muslims or anyone is offended by it. I hope they are, because I am offended that an Islamic muslim terrorist and his gang get to continue the fuck show on my life. I am offended that wealthy Islamic muslims get to terrorize American women. I am offended that Islamic muslims are entitled, above the law and don't have to be accountable for their evil actions, upon other lives.  I am offended that Alireza Fatemi and his Islamic terrorist gang are held up on a pedestal, as great individuals of the world.

I have started with radically profane rhetoric, not sure what it is going to take. I am not going to drink or do drugs to numb my outrage! I am not going to use anyone to numb my outrage! I am not going to break anything to numb my outrage! I am not going to steal to numb my outrage! 38 years of Alireza Fatemi's Islamic muslim terrorist HELL! I don't care if I die, and I don't care what ANYONE thinks of me, after this Islamic FUCK SHOW! See you out there with the sign below.

38yrs Of