Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I Don't Need To Prove Myself To Anyone

I mean the above quote with conviction! What I have to say to Alireza Fatemi the Islamic Muslim terrorist who has been abusing, destroying, hacking, profiling, preying, stalking, terrorizing and torturing me behind my back for the past 38 years. "This is my life, I own my life, no one tells me what to do after this fuck show, life of hell and torture. Believe me I would rather be dead then ever live another day, at this point and time." Insanity does not get anymore insane.

It is more then obvious, Alireza Fatemi is a serial liar, with a lot of money who can buy his way out of deception. But he cannot buy me! I know the REAL Alireza Fatemi and he is not a good person! What he is, is an abuser, bamboozler, con-artist, fraud, predator, scammer, terrorist and torturer... Much to cover up wrecking havoc on someone's life behind their back for 38 years.

I find it amazing that individuals or groups can abuse, destroy, prey upon, terrorize and torture others, but when the victim stands up to them, speaks out about them and uses swear words they are the ones reprimanded. What a twisted way of thinking, that is to me. These people are called APPEASERS who reward the abusers and punish the abused.

Everyday there is NOT a sufficient supply of swear words after this Islamic sandnigger muslim fuck show. You don't like the word sandnigger, I don't like being abused, destroyed, preyed upon, stalked, terrorized and tortured every single mother fucking day. Until that ends you will hear ugly fucking words out of my mouth. Do you fucking get me. I am the most dangerously evil wicked savage bitch a sandnigger Islamic muslim ever in his life wanted to fuck up. Believe me at this point and time I would rather be DEAD!

I made personal choices that I am accountable for. After such 'crazy making and living' if I don't get my justice, I would rather be dead. This country and world can enjoy every second of this sandnigger muslims Islamic fuck show. Because believe me that is all Alireza Fatemi dishes out to anyone and everyone, Islamic Muslim fucking HELL and nothing but HELL! The truth hurts and there are many that are truly delusional about this fuck, I AM NOT - I KNOW THE TRUTH!

I Am A Dangerous Bitch after a life of HELL!