Saturday, January 28, 2017

I Did NOT Ask To Be Born, Abused, Used & Tortured

Alireza Fatemi is violently abusive and a pure cold blooded evil criminal/terrorist who belongs in prison along with many others in his gang. This is what I fight for and DEMAND. Alireza Fatemi has pitted my country against me in one of the greatest FUCK SHOWS ever! He is an Islamic muslim terrorist in America, waging a war with the tactics of divide and conquer.

This is a warning to All especially professional athletes, actors, musicians, CEO's, business owners beware. Understand that in Islam the Arabs still believe in slavery and believe they are the TRUE muslim. They use everyone for their agenda. If you are a black muslim they will USE you. They use the weak and vulnerable in their mission of dismantling, destruction and death.

Fatemi's tactics span many areas. This is an orchestrated, methodical and deliberate WAR. I have been surviving it, observing it, witnessing it for 38 years. It was in 2004 when I realized what was going on and had been going on behind the scenes. I have been around Fatemi to know his TRUE character, aggressiveness, behavior, domineering personality, secrecy and know he LIES!

"We and all others who believe in freedom as deeply as we do,
would rather die on our feet than live on our  knees." - FDR

Living on the streets, dealing with being gas-lighted by Fatemi's gang members everyday, terrible sleep patterns and deprivation, no privacy, bad eating habits, exhaustion,... hinders a mind immensely. It wrecks havoc on the mind, its clarity, discernment, active thinking process.... Especially when there is NO rational communication and one word heard can trigger you.

I know the importance of my mind, and know many trust those that don't use their mind actively. This is not the kind of situation you want to rely on, non-thinkers, mystical thinkers, magical thinkers. You need REAL thinkers who use reason and rationality to solve REAL problems. You also need minds that understand criminals/terrorists, how they operate and execute actions.

I did not ask to be born, but I was. Many days I wish my mother would have aborted me, because the abuse, destruction, hell and torture has been insane. Thank goodness I made the choice of abortion when I did, because those babies would have endured the same hell as me. If you use, abuse and torture me, I promise I don't back down from the JUSTICE I deserve and DEMAND!

"The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding,
because to understand is to be free." - Espinoza