Tuesday, January 31, 2017

NO Greater Insanity Then Alireza Fatemi's FUCK SHOW

"I'm tired of all the crocodile tears about the kids - the poor kids coming,
a significant portion of the Syrian refugees were not women and children,
but grown men of fighting age
who should be back in their homeland trying to save their country."

- Sheriff David Clarke

Exactly Sheriff David Clarke! I am a grown American woman who has been living on the streets, or in my car for most of the past 17 years. Why? Because entitled Islamic men. But more importantly these entitled Islamic men have been wrecking havoc on my life, since 1979 behind my back. I have been fighting for my life as an American woman on the streets, by myself because Alireza Fatemi pitted everyone against me. I have not seen my niece and nephew in over 11 years. Alireza Fatemi remember when you or your gang members wrote REAPER on my moms garage door? That was after my divorce, when I basically lost everything, even my business? Remember that? Or how about when I was poisoned? Remember that?

The HATE my mom had for me, because of Alireza Fatemi was a deep seated hate she carried with her on her death bed and until the day she died. I never was in a relationship with this man, when the hate started. I have never been in any kind of intimate relationship with this man, it was just a one sided event all about his control, aggressiveness and dominance. Alireza Fatemi threatened my father to threaten me to forgive him, even though I had not seen him in over ten years. I never introduced Alireza Fatemi to my mom, dad, or anyone. I never met one person, Alireza Fatemi knew.

Is this giving you a picture of the kind of pure cold blooded evil aggressive, violent, entitled Islamic man and gang I have been dealing with on the streets. There is much more to this story of violent abuse, crazy making, destruction, hacking, insanity, profiling, stalking, terrorizing and torture. Glad we have one of your gang members sitting next to me on computer 53 at the library at a little after 11am in the morning on Tuesday Jan. 31, 2017 Fatemi. Trust me he heard that I am the wrong dangerous bitch to fuck with. I don't give a fuck if I die Fatemi, not after your HELL! The never ending FUCK SHOW of Alireza Fatemi and his gang of second handers.