Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bitch-Craft The Art of Pissing People OFF...

I did not make enemies, enemies have been wrecking havoc on my life behind my back. I did not initiate force directly or indirectly, I am standing up to those who did against me and my life. They know exactly who they are and what they have been doing to my life. The main enemy who created this fuck show on my life is Alireza Fatemi. I am here letting him and all involved know, that I am diligently becoming an expert at Bitch-craft!

When you deal with liars, criminals, terrorists and the evil minded they operate on a different playing field. They do not think, or act like most. These characters truly believe, their lies are truth, they are the law and above the law. You must think like they do, in order to catch them at their trade. Being nice and ignoring these characters is NOT wise. Provoking them is key because that is when they make mistakes.

My last post I used some harsh derogatory words. I am ok with those words, if you are not let me give you a good dose of Alireza Fatemi and his gangs Islamic muslim terrorist HELL! If you don't like what I say, or me personally that is ok, I am not out here in popularity contest. I don't care if everyone hates me, I know the TRUTH and that is ALL THAT MATTERS, THE TRUTH!