Saturday, January 21, 2017

I AM Defending Myself - Because I KNOW I AM Right!

This describes Alireza Fatemi and his gang. A man who has been abusing, destroying, hacking, preying, stalking, terrorizing and torturing me, while telling everyone how in love he is with me. The man who lied about being married and left a message on my phone. "You are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who!" The man and his gang who have called the cops on me, while they terrorize and torture me.

I met this man in 2004 and thought I knew him from the past. I could not put a finger on where or when, but I believe high school 1979. I told him after two months of a odd relationship I did not want to see him anymore and he persisted in contacting me. Would call me late at night asking for help to pick him up because his car was towed. I contacted the FBI in 2005 and many police departments, women's orgs, protesting in front of military bases... No one would believe me!

Alireza Fatemi pitted my family, friends, employers, ex-husband, towns, everyone against me. I moved to Minnesota to see if that would solve the problem, it did not. No one will believe me because it seems surreal and hard to fathom. My story is truth, Alireza Fatemi's stories are BULLSHIT! Think about it, I met him in 2004, it's 2017 what has he been doing since 2004? More importantly I believe the stalking started in 1979, 38 years of abuse and torture behind my back.

Time to start speaking loud, to get revved up and go ballistic. Time to be on fire and really get in people's faces. Time to say things that could get me killed. That is what time it is for me. This pure cold blooded evil creature has stolen my life and when you steal my life I become DANGEROUS! When you have put someone on the streets, isolated them, trying to make them rely on you, if the person is strong they stand up for their life, rights and justice.  

The quote above is truth! Truth that Alireza Fatemi and his gang should be scared of. Because when you have been living a life of hell at the hands of evil creatures, you are not afraid to die and you become DANGEROUS! You raise your voice, because you don't care what people think of you. When you know you are RIGHT, when you know the TRUTH, you don't sit down and shut up. You stand tall, firm, with convictions, strength and power DEMANDING JUSTICE!