Friday, April 28, 2017

STOP Crying Over Your Choice Of Wearing Clothes That Don't Fit American Culture - It Is Your Choice, NOT Force

"A Muslim mum is asking other women to wear the hijab for 15 minutes so they can see what it's like to experience exclusion and abuse. She says she finds it hard to make friends with other mums because people can't see past her hijab...."

It is your choice in America to wear, or NOT wear religious clothing. It is pathetic and appalling to hear you use the words exclusion and abuse, in regards to your choice. 

The majority of muslim females in the middle east and around the world are FORCED to wear religious clothing and many don't want to. They will be lashed, imprisoned or killed! You want to talk about abuse? 

Force is NOT choice. Choice is NOT Force. Know the difference muslims!

Sarah and Amina Said two beautiful teenagers were slaughtered to death in the back of their muslim fathers taxi in Texas, because they loved wearing western clothes.

What will you ask of American females next? That they see what it is like to live in a town where the virtue and morality police patrol? 

Entire article found @: Mashable