Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Human Trafficking Training For City Employees Who Work With The Public - What Red Flags To Look For - Are City Employees Helping/Supporting Human Traffickers In Town

April 17, 2017

"In the span of a year, dozens of human-trafficking victims are expected to seek shelter at The Willow Domestic Violence Center. And soon, the link to help could be a city employee."

The first reality that should come to your mind here is, are there city employees in your town that are part of a human trafficking ring? Because these rings are large and wide and members are positioned in every role imaginable in society. They even claim to help the homeless, while trafficking them at the same time. Starting with employees, managers and owners who run homeless shelters, lawyers, doctors, business owners, employees, the homeless, fireman, parking cops, police officers, city officials, town citizens.... 

"A new initiative will train city employees to recognize human trafficking, with the goal of improving the outcomes of the vulnerable youth who are typically its victims. Leaders at the Willow center said one scenario they see is a girl who has aged out of the foster care system, lacking family and resources.
“Let’s say you’re a girl or very young woman, and a man approaches you: ‘Well, I’ll buy you this, I’ll get your nails done, I’ll have your hair done, you’re beautiful’ — all of these things that she has never had before, and she becomes attached to this man,” said Willow center Executive Director Joan Schultz.
“Then he starts to traffic her, and how is she going to get out, especially if he threatens her with her life?”"
These predators are very methodical and savvy. This is a very tricky situation that must be observed with active eyes, ears and minds. Are individuals involved in trafficking rings knowingly, or unknowingly participating, supporting or being forced to? I have been dealing with a form of human trafficking for over 30 years, called triangulation. I know their tricks and bullshit!

- Above photo and article found @Shreve Port Times

"Human trafficking is often called a modern form of slavery. With millions of victims, human trafficking is believed to be the third-largest criminal activity in the world, according to the FBI. Traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to control victims, and crimes include forced labor, domestic servitude and commercial sex trafficking.
Traffickers also use isolation, gas-lighting, pitting everyone against an individual, making them look crazy, mentally ill, threatening family members/loved ones/animals... 
“"Our city employees do a lot of work with the public, so I think it would just be a good idea to know of any red flags or warning signs in case someone might be the victim,” Soden said..."
For those individuals in cities who truly are concerned with human trafficking, understand those red flags could apply to your city workers and all others within the city. 
Read entire article @: Lawrence Journal World