Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fatemi, Newman, Mo And Gang Involved In Organized Criminal Predatory Gang Stalking - Intended To Deprive Someone Of Their Freedom And Rights - Destroying A Person's Privacy And Control Over Their Own Enviormnet

"Tactics of Predatory Gangstalking include highly coordinated surveillance (hidden cameras, conversation bugging in private as well as public), harassment, psychological, psychosocial, financial, and sometimes physical assault on an individual by a large group of people who are often strangers to the targeted individual.

A Predatory Gangstalking group is well-run organization comprised of members who are unidentified as gangstalkers to the outside world. Until a group of gangstalkers turn their face towards someone selected to be one of their targets, members of society do not realize there is such an invisible group. The practitioners of predatory gangstalking are people who, for the most part, go about their business of daily life appearing like everyone else, except for their activities involved with Predatory Gangstalking. Predatory Gangstalking activities take priority over everything else in the lives of Predatory Gangsters. Predatory Gangstalking is a lifestyle for those who participate in it.

Predatory Gangstalking is also called: 

- Terror Stalking
- Flash Mobbing
- Cause Stalking
- Hate Stalking
- Multi-Stalking
- Happy Slapping
- Work Place Bullying
- Covert War

Who are the practitioners of Predatory Gangstalking? They include career criminals, Participants in the drug trade, extreme ideologists, motorcycle and street gangs, and the homeless people...

The world of Predatory Gangstalking increases as new recruits are initiated in to the Predatory Gangstalking process. There fore, a target may see collusion and participation from neighbors and co-workers who were once on good terms with the target. The circle of predatory gangstalkers widens with time. In most of the encounters the target has with gangstalkers, the target does not recognize the perpetrators but the gangstalkers readily recognize the target. Further, these predatory strangers posses detailed knowledge about the targeted individual. People have died after a lifetime of protracted Predatory Gangstalking without having any explanations as to who was doing this or why this happened to them..."

Read informative entire article @: Predaotry Gang Stalking