Monday, April 3, 2017

I Would Rather Be Dead Then Live Another Day


"The man without a purpose is a man who drifts at the mercy of random feelings or unidentified urges and is capable of any evil, because he is totally out of control of his own life. In order to be in control of your life, you have to have a purpose—a productive purpose . . . . The man who has no purpose, but has to act, acts to destroy others. That is not the same thing as a productive or creative purpose..."

Read more about Purpose @: Ayn Rand Lexicon


I have had a purpose during this challenge. One specific purpose. Standing up for myself and seeking proper justice for the hate crime and radical gang stalking against my life. When I fully understood what had been going on and probably how long it has gone on, I knew this was a serious situation and crime. The degree of moral error would be considered on a chart of 1 being minute, 10 being the worst, it would be 10+++++.

The guy who is the main ring leader, is telling a different story. His story does not portrait him terrorizing me with the masses, he is telling everyone else he is a victim. But the reality and truth of his assertions are false. This man is the main leader of a group that goes around and destroys individuals behind their backs. Men and women are part of this group and they destroy marriages, families, businesses.... without you knowing what they are doing. 

I have been up against my family, friends, everyone. But I know I AM Right and I would rather be dead, then ever in my life appease these individuals. Because it is more then obvious, these individuals are pure cold blooded evil. Methodically planning and plotting the demise of who knows how much. But I am sure it is a grand scale of destruction. So many things that have happened, have alerted me to what they do. 

One thing about this situation that has been a positive is I realized there were things that I believed to be true and helpful, that were part of the problem. Religion and mysticism. I don't hold those views any longer. To be honest I know they are not valid, but more importantly I hate them now. I do not like to engage in this subject with people because of the distaste I have for it, but I believe in individual rights. 

To think my stalker and predator believes I am playing hard to get, is pathetic, ludicrous, outrageous and utter deranged thinking on every level. What is hard to get, is Justice. Why? Because I am dealing with an entitled Islamic sandigger muslim who believes he truly owns the world. But I am out here to show him, all involved, ANY muslim, or individual who believes muslims get to abuse you, YOU are fucking wrong. 

Everyday I am called all sorts of names, because I am standing up for myself and evil injustice. While the predators roam free and look like great citizens of the world. Someday it might be rearranged and the truth becomes the reality, it has always been. Whether I am alive or dead by that time, I KNOW the TRUTH and I AM RIght! I would NEVER sell my soul (mind) to a savage like the one and his gang I am dealing with, fucking EVER!

I would rather be dead, then ever in my life sell my soul to fucking dirty ass Islamic sandnigger fucking muslims and all those that appease this shit. I have NO respect for those sitting behind the scenes. I do NOT agree, with how this was handled. I want nothing to do with those who did not use their brains, I would rather be dead!