Friday, April 28, 2017

First Time FGM Charges Brought Against U.S. Doctors

Do you want to have this procedure done on yourself, or your baby girls
so Muslims and others won't feel abused or excluded??? 

"Depending on the culture, female circumcisions are performed on girls of various ages and by various methods, and they are seen as a way of controlling a girl's sexuality, maintaining her purity or even making her more fertile as she grows into adulthood. Critics, though, say it can cause complications during childbirth, make intercourse painful and eliminate any pleasure a woman can derive from sex.

Dr. Jumana Nagarwala is accused of performing the procedure on two Minnesota girls that left them with scars and lacerations. Her attorney, Shannon Smith, insists that Nagarwala conducted a benign religious ritual that involved no mutilation..."
Female Genital Mutilation is prevalent in Islamic cultures, among many others. Is this what females in America will be asked next to try, so Muslim and other females will not feel exclusion?  
Read entire article @: Yahoo