Friday, April 7, 2017

Emily Houser A Hero Who Stood Up For Her Rights... By Herself While An Entitled Male And His Gang Of Thugs Stalked, Harassed, Gas-lighted and Terrorized Her Daily

- Could not bring up the site I found this on

"From the time she was 16 until last Thursday, Houser worked at her local Chili's restaurant in Whitehall, Pennsylvania.

Just a few days after Houser began the job at 16, the restaurant got a new manager, Josh Davidson, who was 24 at the time. Houser said Davidson quickly took interest in her, and for two years, sexually harassed and relentlessly pursued a relationship with her.

"[The] new manager found particular interest in me and began forcing me to go on dates with him," Houser told BuzzFeed News. "He would just show up to my house uninvited and say he was outside and I had to come with him."

"Over a two-year period, it just kind of escalated into him providing me with gifts of significance and money and flowers and cards and things that I wasn't really accepting of, things that made me extremely uncomfortable because I was not sure what he expected of me from these gifts," she said.

Things only got worse when she turned 18 on April 26 last year, Houser said.

"On my 18th birthday, he showed up to my high school in the parking lot and just kind of rampaged me with gifts and asked me to officially be his girlfriend in front of a bunch of people," she said. "I said no, and he replied in a very pompous way, saying he didn't care if he got fired if we were together, and he didn't care if he lost his job because he just wanted to be with me."

After this, Houser said, Davidson started "being verbally and even physically weird and abusive towards me at work." She brushed it off and didn't take any actions right away.

"But then he started taking interest in another young girl," Houser said. "And that's when I decided I should report the situation, because even though I came out of the situation fine, I don't know how another young girl is going to feel."

At this point, Houser put in her two weeks notice and contacted the Chili's corporate headquarters. They conducted an investigation, and - rather than being fired - Davidson was relocated to the Chili's in Montgomery, Pennsylvania. This past Sunday was Davidson's last day at the Whitehall location, and several of the workers threw him a 'Fuck Emily Houser" party to support him..."

Read entire article @: Buzz Feed News


Emily Houser I want to applaud your bravery, courageousness, self-confidence, esteem, respect and worth. I commend you. Chili's should be ashamed of themselves. But more importantly Josh Davidson and those that supported him are the true savage thugs. Second Handers who use force to get what they want.