Monday, February 27, 2017

Shifa Gardi A Journalist Killed - For Reporting REAL News

#1 "Kurdish Reporter Shifa Gardi Killed in Iraq"

"(CNN) - A reporter and anchor for an Iraqi Kurdish TV station was killed Saturday while working on the front lines as Iraqi forces battle ISIS for the city of Mosul.

Shifa Gardi, 30, a beloved journalist in a male-dominated profession, died in a roadside bomb blast that also injured her cameraman, Younis Mustafa, according to her employer, Rudaw.

Bayan Sami Rahman, the Kurdish government's representative to the United States and a former journalist, tweeted that Kurdistan "has lost a courageous and professional journalist who cracked the glass ceiling."

"Shifa Gardi was one of Rudaw's most daring journalists," the station said in a statement..."

Read entire article @: CNN

#2 "Tributes for Shifa Gardi, 'Courageous' Journalist Killed in Mosul Reporting ISIL Atrocities"

"Shifa Gardi, a presenter and head of output for Rudwar, an Iraqi Kurdish television station Rudaw, was killed on Saturday while investigating mass graves left behind by ISIL in the Mosul area.

Gardi, 30, was interviewing the commander of a Shiite militia unit near a large hole believed to have been used as a mass grave when the commander inadvertently steeped on a trip wire that set off the bomb on Saturday afternoon.

The blast killed Gardi, the commander, and four other fighters, Rudaw said in a statement on Sunday.

Gardi and Mustafa had been making a report about the so called "valley of death," an area 20 kilometers south of Mosul and five Kilometers from the main Baghdad-Mosul road that is believed to have been used by ISIL for mass executions..."

Read entire article @: The Telegraph


"The truly joyous man does not laugh too much, because there is little to laugh at in life as it is today. The truly joyous man takes himself very seriously, because there is no joy without self and pride in self. Those who preach and practice "not taking anything seriously" are not the gay, light-hearted ones. They are merely the empty-hearted. "Taking seriously" is the very essence of life. If one does not "take oneself seriously," one can take nothing seriously. And - "the noble soul has reverence for itself." One does not revere with a giggle..."

--- The Journals of Ayn Rand, By David Harriman & Leonard Peikoff - page 88

Shifa Gardi a reporter who was exposing the savage REALITY going on in Iraq. A country listed on President Trump's ban list. A reporter not afraid to die, reporting on the barbaric atrocities happening in Iraq. It is very obvious this was a direct hit by ISIL, upon Shifa Gardi, who was exposing the mass executions of ISIL. Shifa Gardi was a true journalist.