Saturday, February 25, 2017

Michelle Hadley Lived A Horror Story Until Justice Arrived

"For three months last year, Michelle Hadley sat in a California jail, accused of the harassment and attempted rape of her ex-fiancé’s wife, Angela Diaz.

The specifics of the allegations were astounding: Hadley was accused of posing as Diaz on Craigslist and soliciting men to attack her via “rape fantasy” ads.

In January the already bizarre case took a turn: Authorities said it was Diaz herself — and not Hadley — who had devised the plot and allegedly filed a false rape claim in an effort to frame Hadley.

Hadley has since been officially exonerated. Diaz, who has pleaded not guilty to felony charges that include kidnapping, false imprisonment, perjury and forgery, is due in court for a pre-trial hearing on March 3..."

Read entire story @: Yahoo News


The above horror story is the reality we are living in today. Criminals and terrorists staging crime scenes, accidents, murders, rapes... to look like someone else has taken the actions, they themselves have or someone they paid or used, to initiate the indirect or direct force. To set people up and make themselves look all charming, sparkly, good natured and decent individuals. When in reality they are the evil ones. It could be an individual, or a gang small or large, initiating this evil upon many lives.

What I have to say to this female, NEVER apologize or give sympathy to those who sanction, appease or initiated this evil upon your life. EVER! These kind of individuals deserve the purest form of punishment there is! Beware, there are large gangs out there initiating this kind of indirect and direct force upon many lives, families, businesses, towns, states and countries. Below are some words that describe these vicious and violent thugs of predators that operate like this.

1. causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful:
pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie.
2. deadly; fatal:
a pernicious disease.
3. Obsolete. evil; wicked.

1. threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous:
a sinister remark.
2. bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell:
his sinister purposes.
3. unfortunate; disastrous; unfavorable:
a sinister accident.

1. wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious:
His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.

2. evil; harmful; injurious:
a malevolent inclination to destroy the happiness of others.
3. Astrology. evil or malign in influence.