Saturday, February 18, 2017

Jean 16, From Foster Care - Into The Hands Of A Pimp

"The prospect of
having sex with
strangers for money
scared Jean. But
returning to foster
care sounded worse."

"At 16, Jean was the more experienced sex worker in the East Dallas house. It was her job to ensure the new girl's trial run as a prostitute went smoothly. But what the girl's john leaned in for a kiss, her body went limp, her eyes locked in an empty stare. confused, then panicked, the man grabbed his clothes and rushed out the sliding back door to his car parked in the alley.

Jean yelled for someone to come help, knowing their pimp would be furious: No trick, no money. Then she slipped out the house's red front door to calm her nerves with a cigarette..."

Read entire article @: Elle