Saturday, February 11, 2017

Duty - Ayn Rand

The term “duty” obliterates more than single concepts; it is a metaphysical and psychological killer:  it negates all the essentials of a rational view of life and makes them inapplicable to man’s actions.

The meaning of the term “duty” is: the moral necessity to perform certain actions for no reason other than obedience to some higher authority, without regard to any personal goal, motive, desire or interest.

“Duty” destroys reason: it supersedes one’s knowledge and judgment, making the process of thinking and judging irrelevant to one’s actions.

“Duty” destroys values: it demands that one betray or sacrifice one’s highest values for the sake of an inexplicable command—and it transforms values into a threat to one’s moral worth, since the experience of pleasure or desire casts doubt on the moral purity of one’s motives

“Duty” destroys love: who could want to be loved not from “inclination,” but from “duty”?

“Duty” destroys self-esteem: it leaves no self to be esteemed.

Learn more about Duty @: Ayn Rand Lexicon

I have felt this kind of force by an Islamic man named Alireza Fatemi and his large gang, and I know it well. It is a blind force you cannot see, but also a visible force, it is a direct and indirect force. This force was going on behind my back for at least 20 years, without my knowledge, without any actions on my part, against this Islamic man and his gang. Now it is over 30yrs!