Saturday, June 11, 2016

The 'Most Dangerous' Narcissist Is Out To Destroy The World

"Narcissists are very accomplished liars and can be high functioning individuals - but their complete persona and their entire world is totally based on pathological deception and lies. Their positive attributes and alleged actions are all made up in order to achieve an above normal place in our world, as well as to get to their fix of Narcissistic supply, adulation, praise and the accolades they crave so much.

That magnanimous but fake persona gives them an acceptable and workable façade and place among good and normal people. They NEED that place in our world to survive among us BUT that dysfunctional creature still lives inside of them and very near to the surface of their façade - just test them once and you will see the fury of the hidden creature. It is poisonous, destructive and disabling to ALL people. A Narcissist will take you out if you ever attempt to make them accountable in any way because they fear exposure.

They will also just move on to the next family, place, career, organization, town, or whatever it takes to constantly achieve that supply. They will also exhaust someone else's worth in the process and move on to another again and again....."

Read entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse