Monday, June 6, 2016

"Strike Out" Modern Day Slavery

Human trafficking can happen anywhere, but human traffickers main territories for scouring potential victims are sporting stadiums, concert venues, motels, hotels, airports, beaches.... Human trafficking can happen to anyone.

As a survivor of human trafficking, I am passionate about this program of Max and Erica May-Scherzer. Someday if I live to tell it, people will hear an insane story of what Muslims, Iranians, and foreigners are doing here in America, to Americans. It must be addressed and the offenders punished! They put you on the streets, stalk you on the streets, prey on you on the streets, terrorize you on the streets, make you look crazy and call the cops on you! Human trafficking has many variations and usually leads to sex trafficking.

" Washington Nationals pitcher Max Scherzer and Polaris Ambassador Erica May-Scherzer announced two new programs today for their fans during the 2016 MLB season to support Polaris, a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery and restore freedom to survivors.

Fans can now have their favorite Max Scherzer items autographed by Max through their Autographs & Athletes program after making a donation to Polaris. The Scherzers are also encouraging fans to participate in their Strike Out Modern Slavery fundraiser by pledging to donate for every strikeout Max throws this season. Erica and Max will be matching their fans’ donations up to $25,000 for each fundraiser.

Fans can learn more by visiting: Polaris Project