Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Whose Accurate At Detecting Liars: A Person or Robot?

- Photo found @: SDSU NewsCenter

"A lie-detecting artificial intelligence program developed at SDSU is being tested at airports and borders around the world.

"Most of us are terrible at detecting deception, even experts," said San Diego State University management information systems professor Aaron Elkins. "We often are overconfident and rarely are proven otherwise, so we just assume that we're really good at detecting deception."

That overconfidence can spell big trouble when lives depend on determining who's being deceitful, such as at international security checkpoints at borders and in airports. To overcome human's poor lie-detecting abilities, Elkins is working on a robotic lie detector that can accurately sniff out deception

The lie-detecting kiosk is known as an Automated Virtual Agent for Truth Assessments in Real Time (AVATAR). . . . "

"Eye-tracking proved the most effective method for finding the liars."

~ Read entire article @: SDSU NewsCenter