Monday, April 23, 2018

What Is Essential? What Is Good, What Is Important?

If being popular to you means having a shit pile of followers, that have no value system, that are stupid, ignorant, dumb, moronic, imbeciles, you are not someone I have respect for. I don't!

Some individuals don't do things to be popular, famous, liked, . . . they do them because they are the right things to do, based on a value system. They don't need to sit at a table full of idiots.

They don't do things to get the unearned. They don't do things to get attention. They don't do things to be popular, to be liked . . . . They do them, because these actions are important.

Important for life and living. Because they take life seriously. They don't consider life a joke, they don't think they get another chance, but this one precious life that  matters.

"Every second matters!"

"There are many special or "cross-filed" chains of abstractions (of interconnected concepts) in man's mind. Cognitive abstractions are the fundamental chain, on which all the others depend. Such chains are mental integrations, serving a special purpose and formed accordingly by a special criterion.

Cognitive abstractions are formed by the criterion of: What is essential?

*(epistemologically essential to distinguish one class of existents from all others).

Normative abstractions are formed by the criterion of: What is good?

Esthetic abstractions are formed by the criterion of: What is important?

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Concepts