"You can't have a relationship where there is not a real and functioning person like that with a Narcissist and especially when it is embellished with toxic behavior that push your buttons, manipulates your emotions, betrays your love, and takes you to the lowest level of despair possible.
The Narcissist will ultimately step up in their game or ABUSE you psychologically and emotionally BUT it starts out as a very slow and ambiguous abuse. It eventually disables the victim's capacity to function normally within the relationship but by then it is too late because the victim is somewhere in between their emotional connection (love) and the vast confusion caused by the debasing and dehumanizing psychological warfare inflicted by the Narcissist.
Life is no longer that world the victim once knew because it doesn't feel safe and their core beliefs about the most cherished aspect of life (love) has been shattered and redefined by a battle that ensued by what can only be described as extreme loss and having to survive every single day of their life in despair! This WAS a despairing and damaging love that destroys people and families - this was ABUSE!"...... Read entire article @: After Narcissitic Abuse