Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Narcissists Simply BAIT You - Greg Zuffato

"Narcissists simply BAIT you with conversations in an effort to manage you down and to keep you constantly confused. Just with a normal conversation it almost seems like they are testing you or even mocking you.

They are gauging your reactions to see how far they can push you. They WANT you to react emotionally and after they BAIT you and get you there they will tell YOU to calm down or say YOU are overreacting and make YOU internalize their disappointment with YOU.

Narcissists need to have the upper hand always to feel and stay in control, so the whole point of this 'bait and switch' is to make you feel unbalanced and become unhinged.

Think of it like this - it is like the Narcissist purposely punches you in the face and then gets angry at YOU for reacting angrily to that very punch - it is ALWAYS your fault and you will even be blamed for your reactions to their sadistic behaviors.".....    

Read entire article @ After Narcissistic Abuse