Above picture and article found @: Blazing Cat Fur
"Here's an important thing to understand; this woman is a moderate. And I'm not saying that sarcastically. In Islamic terms, her position is a moderate one. She's specifically staking out a position against concubinage and slavery within Muslim society. The exception is when Muslims attack non-Muslims and take female prisoners. The fact that this is a moderate position says all you need to know about Islam.
But here's how she describes the practice of Islamic sanctioned rape itself. "The female prisoners of wars are 'those whom you own.' In order to humiliate them, they become the property of the army commander, or of a Muslim, and he can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives."
If you still think Islam has anything in common with normative religion, think again..."
Read article, see photo and watch video @: Front Page Mag.com