"Temporarily we represent the object of the Narcissist's desire, the answer to THEIR needs, the love of THEIR life, and the key to THEIR happiness - BUT again only temporarily because they can't experience any of this due to their psychopathic nature, lack of empathy and lack of human emotions.
This feeling of euphoria doesn't last long because we are only satisfying their external needs. A Narcissist cannot bond, love or experience life as you and I do. They are simply addicts and supply is their drug of choice so they are always off and looking for more, the next, and the better supply.
Once your identity, hopes and experiences are pinned on them they get bored and the excitement is gone. The Narcissist then goes out to seek those other sources of pleasures and diversions and that is when the devaluation and abuse begins because the truth of who and what they are surface and their accountability comes into question.
WE are THEIR supply in this equation and they are NOT going to be our supply by recognizing that we are an individual with needs. A Narcissist does not give anything in return unless it is to get tenfold back. We are merely an object and this is a one-way street that is all about the Narcissist fulfilling THEIR external needs......"
Read entire article @: After Narcissitic Abuse