Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Narcissist - "If They Are Breathing, They Are Lying!"

"Their conversation and interactions aren't meant to enlighten but to confuse, control and consistently create drama. They are a huge VOID working to get whatever they can from people to fulfill their EVERY need.

They create scenarios to discover your weaknesses or fears and store them away to manipulate you later. They don't use language as communication but instead it is for hiding, deflecting, avoiding and manipulating because their words are lies.

They attempt to belittle any version of reality that conflicts with theirs. They NEVER believe they make ANY mistakes even when the proof is right there in front of them.

They have NO ability to feel, process, or truly understand shame from the negative things they do - instead they only BLAME and fault everybody else.

Contradict them and you will feel the real rage that truly defines them. There is no such thing as individuality or human rights with a Narcissist - it is always and only about THEM and never you!"

Must read article with great tips @: After Narcissistic Abuse