Monday, August 15, 2016

"Narcissists Bait With Chaotic Words & Converstaions"

"Narcissists simply bait or set you up with chaotic words and conversations in an effort to constantly manage you down and keep you confused.

They are always gauging your reactions to see just how far they can push you. In reality they want you to react emotionally so they intentionally bait you to get a reaction and then they will tell YOU to calm down or say you are overreacting making you internalize THEIR disappointment with YOU!

Narcissists always want the upper hand to feel in control and dominant - so the whole point is to get you unhinged and they will stoop to the lowest levels to achieve this.

Think of it like this - it would be like the Narcissist punching you in the stomach and then gets angry at YOU for reacting. In reality they are emotionally an psychologically punching you in your heart and mind!....."

Read entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse