Saturday, August 20, 2016

A Narcissists Rage Escalates With Fear Of Exposure

"Narcissists fear exposure or the truth of what they are ESPECIALLY when they feel threatened.

They will malign someone's character, credibility and reputation based on lies, half-truths and malicious rumors.

Narcissists exploit the listener's emotions and sentiments with a story plausible enough that the listener cannot verify the EXACT allegations but they will be powerful and damaging enough to inflict horrendous damage that the listener cannot ignore concerning the target of the Narcissist's attack.

Narcissists completely distort situations with twisted conclusions ALWAYS perceiving themselves as victims. They use this to justify the poison they spread to destroy a person they have perceived as slighting then in ANY situation or when they feel threatened as in being exposed for the REAL, truth of what they are or what they have done that has essentially abused an underserving and good person.

The 'smear campaign' and backstabbing is really a strong armed defense to silence the target/victim, instill fear, damage them and used primarily to protect the Narcissist's façade of goodness....."    Read the entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse