Monday, August 6, 2018

Matt/Mike Doesn't Run, Rule, Own My Life Or's Relevant

"If you think human beings are always rational, 
it becomes impossible to explain at least
half of history."

My stalkers gang banger Matt, Mike or whatever his name is, is in the library right now. About a week ago Matt or whatever his name is came up to me in the morning when I was digging out of trash cans for recycle and said, "I got a big can" and he put his hand to his dick. And kept saying this, with the same hand motion. I don't give a f*** about Matt or what comes out of Matt's mouth. Matt is not my friend, nor tells me what the f*** about anything. Matt is not rational nor relevant!

- I chose my friends, you don't force them on me!

If you are going to force friends or information on me without my own consent and evidence, you are a slave master. Want nothing to do with the nasty Matt, except put his ass in prison for gang stalking and trying to force information on me that are lies. I never gave Matt permission to solve my problems in any manner. Don't give a rats ass about Matt or his life. Matt's a gang stalker in my life. No one tells me who my friends are. NO ONE!

- I get my own evidence with my mind and thinking, NOT you!