Thursday, September 29, 2016

Narcissist: 'A Target/Victim Confused By 'Fake Truths'

"A target/victim is constantly confused by the 'fake truths,' diversions, lies and manipulation from the many facets of the Narcissist's façade and agenda AND MEANT TO BE for a reason!

A Narcissist wants to CONTROL you and your behavior so beneath that amazing façade are the real mechanics of their personality disorder and abusive nature.

Unfortunately, in an attempt to maintain peace and harmony with the Narcissist you try harder but end up conceding to their wishes and crazy making AND THEN the Narcissist will take you down to a lower level to wear you down even more. This is how they manage you down to the lowest level they possibly can.

Narcissists have no empathy or respect for life and people OR feel any shame - so behaving this way is never beneath them because in reality there is no normal or functioning self residing there.

So with no functioning self, there are no laws, or rules, or respect for human rights and dignity for you or me. You ask WHY and the simple answer is that it serves them. They are abusive and the lies and façade are just tools of the Narcissist's trade to extort life!..."

Read entire article @ After Narcissistic Abuse


A Narcissist lives in a world that is a self-made work of
their delusional thoughts and actions,
a product of their delusional imagination,
a delusional façade that they create to pin all
of their fake adornments on
to be the amazing and omnipotent person that they BELIEVE they are
but the key word is DELUSIONAL
because it is purely a self-serving world.
It is all about appearances that are meant
to DECEIVE people and draw them in.