Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Stop Protecting The Destroyers - Evading Their Existence


"Thinking is man’s only basic virtue, from which all the others proceed. And his basic vice, the source of all his evils, is that nameless act which all of you practice, but struggle never to admit: the act of blanking out, the willful suspension of one’s consciousness, the refusal to think—not blindness, but the refusal to see; not ignorance, but the refusal to know. It is the act of unfocusing your mind and inducing an inner fog to escape the responsibility of judgment—on the unstated premise that a thing will not exist if only you refuse to identify it, that A will not be A so long as you do not pronounce the verdict “It is.” Non-thinking is an act of annihilation, a wish to negate existence, an attempt to wipe out reality. But existence exists; reality is not to be wiped out, it will merely wipe out the wiper. By refusing to say “It is,” you are refusing to say “I am.” By suspending your judgment, you are negating your person. When a man declares: “Who am I to know?” he is declaring: “Who am I to live?”"

I have been yelling for a long time about evil that has destroyed and terrorized my life. Evil that says "Down with and Death to America, England, The World." Evil that not only says it, but has and is taking the actions to accomplish it. 
Good individuals get to a breaking point. And I stated what these people have been doing to my life, in the titles of the last three articles I published. Women must protect themselves, especially American women in the year 2018. 
Many American women are not properly identifying, the difference between 2018 and 1918. By moral default, they have been sold on the love-peace movement, that has nothing to do with rights, but sabotages them. It looks and sounds pretty, but the consequences are drastic and dangerous. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Down With and Death To America, England, The World

So many individuals believe I am in their boot camp. A boot camp I never consented to. A relationship I never consented to. It is amazing what others think you should endure, day after day, year after year, but they would never do it for a second. While they live in their homes, enjoy their life, friends, vacations, dating..... and they high jack your stuff and think you are not qualified to be involved, but they and their gang are?

While they beat you to literal evil fucking hell day after day, year after year. Can you fucking imagine these individuals? Shocking, disturbing, outrageous, wicked, brutal fucking EVIL! While they send money to victims of disasters, massacres that were perpetrated by the Evil fucking me up. Odd! While they go to war in far off places, when the war is right here in their backyard.

I can't for the life of me think, why I would want to continue this, to hang out with that? Can you?

Down With and Death To America, England, The World

"Moral cowardice is fear of upholding the good because it is good, and fear of opposing the evil because it is evil.

Moral cowardice is the necessary consequence of discarding morality as inconsequential. It is the common symptom of all intellectual appeasers. The image of the brute is the symbol of an appeaser’s belief in the supremacy of evil, which means—not in conscious terms, but in terms of his quaking, cringing, blinding panic—that when his mind judges a thing to be evil, his emotions proclaim its power, and the more evil, the more powerful."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Moral Cowardice

Down With and Death To America, England, The World


Sacrifice” is the surrender of a greater value for the sake of a lesser one or of a nonvalue. Thus, altruism gauges a man’s virtue by the degree to which he surrenders, renounces or betrays his values (since help to a stranger or an enemy is regarded as more virtuous, less “selfish,” than help to those one loves). The rational principle of conduct is the exact opposite: always act in accordance with the hierarchy of your values, and never sacrifice a greater value to a lesser one.
This applies to all choices, including one’s actions toward other men. It requires that one possess a defined hierarchy of rational values (values chosen and validated by a rational standard). Without such a hierarchy, neither rational conduct nor considered value judgments nor moral choices are possible.
Sacrifice” does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious. “Sacrifice” does not mean the rejection of the evil for the sake of the good, but of the good for the sake of the evil. “Sacrifice” is the surrender of that which you value in favor of that which you don’t.
The creed of sacrifice is a morality for the immoral—a morality that declares its own bankruptcy by confessing that it can’t impart to men any personal stake in virtues or values, and that their souls are sewers of depravity, which they must be taught to sacrifice. By its own confession, it is impotent to teach men to be good and can only subject them to constant punishment."

Saturday, February 24, 2018

I Would NEVER Trust or Respect One Fuck On This Earth

Do you think I WANT to hang out with your fuck? You've got to be out of your evil, mentally ill mind. Your lies would never end, your inaction is as evil as it gets. Fuck you America, CRUEL!

Forget What the World Thinks of You Stepping Out . . .


"A rational process is a moral process. You may make an error at any step of it, with nothing to protect you but your own severity, or you may try to cheat, to fake the evidence and evade the effort of the quest—but if devotion to truth is the hallmark of morality, then there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Rationality

"It means a commitment to reason, 
not in sporadic fits or on selected issues 
or in special emergencies, 
but as a permanent way of life."

"The virtue of Rationality means the recognition and acceptance of reason as one’s only source of knowledge, one’s only judge of values and one’s only guide to action. It means one’s total commitment to a state of full, conscious awareness, to the maintenance of a full mental focus in all issues, in all choices, in all of one’s waking hours

It means a commitment to the principle that all of one’s convictions, values, goals, desires and actions must be based on, derived from, chosen and validated by a process of thoughtas precise and scrupulous a process of thought, directed by as ruthlessly strict an application of logic, as one’s fullest capacity permits. 

It means one’s acceptance of the responsibility of forming one’s own judgments and of living by the work of one’s own mind (which is the virtue of Independence). It means that one must never sacrifice one’s convictions to the opinions or wishes of others (which is the virtue of Integrity)—that one must never attempt to fake reality in any manner (which is the virtue of Honesty)—that one must never seek or grant the unearned and undeserved, neither in matter nor in spirit (which is the virtue of Justice)."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Rationality 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Important: That NO Substitute Can Do Your Thinking

"What is the basic, the essential, the crucial principle that differentiates freedom from slavery? It is the principle of voluntary action versus physical coercion or compulsion.
A rational mind does not work under compulsion; it does not subordinate its grasp of reality to anyone’s orders, directives, or controls; it does not sacrifice its knowledge, its view of the truth, to anyone’s opinions, threats, wishes, plans, or “welfare.” Such a mind may be hampered by others, it may be silenced, proscribed, imprisoned, or destroyed; it cannot be forced; a gun is not an argument. (An example and symbol of this attitude is Galileo.)"

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Freedom


"Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it—that no substitute can do your thinking, as no pinch-hitter can live your life—that the vilest form of self-abasement and self-destruction is the subordination of your mind to the mind of another, the acceptance of an authority over your brain, the acceptance of his assertions as facts, his say-so as truth, his edicts as middle-man between your consciousness and your existence."

Live and act within the limit of your knowledge and keep expanding it to the limit of your life. Redeem your mind from the hockshops of authority. Accept the fact that you are not omniscient, but playing a zombie will not give you omniscience—that your mind is fallible, but becoming mindless will not make you infallible—that an error made on your own is safer than ten truths accepted on faith, because the first leaves you the means to correct it, but the second destroys your capacity to distinguish truth from error. In place of your dream of an omniscient automaton, accept the fact that any knowledge man acquires is acquired by his own will and effort, and that that is his distinction in the universethat is his nature, his morality, his glory."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Independence

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The True Republic: The Protection of Individual Rights


"The American system is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. A democracy, if you attach meaning to terms, is a system of unlimited majority rule . . . a form of collectivism, which denies individual rights . . . . The American system is a constitutionally limited republic, restricted to the protection of individual rights. In such a system, majority rule is applicable only to lesser details, such as the selection of certain personnel. But the majority has no say over the basic principles governing the government. It has no power to ask for or gain the infringement of individual rights."
~ Leonard Peikoff, The Philosophy of Objectivism

Individual Rights

"A “right” is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a man’s freedom of action in a social context. There is only one fundamental right (all the others are its consequences or corollaries): a man’s right to his own life. Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action; the right to life means the right to engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action—which means: the freedom to take all the actions required by the nature of a rational being for the support, the furtherance, the fulfillment and the enjoyment of his own life. (Such is the meaning of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.)
The concept of a “right” pertains only to action—specifically, to freedom of action. It means freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by other men."

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Capitalism's Ruling Principle Is: Justice . . .

"The moral justification of capitalism does not lie in the altruist claim that it represents the best way to achieve “the common good.” It is true that capitalism does—if that catch-phrase has any meaning—but this is merely a secondary consequence. The moral justification of capitalism lies in the fact that it is the only system consonant with man’s rational nature, that it protects man’s survival qua man, and that its ruling principle is: justice."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Capitalism 

"It is . . . by reference to philosophy 
that the character of a social system 
has to be defined and evaluated. 
Corresponding to the 
four branches of philosophy, 
the four keystones of capitalism are: 
metaphysically, the requirements of man's nature and survival
ethicallyindividual rights
politically, freedom

"It is the basic, metaphysical fact of man’s nature—the connection between his survival and his use of reason—that capitalism recognizes and protects.
In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are free to cooperate or not, to deal with one another or not, as their own individual judgments, convictions, and interests dictate. They can deal with one another only in terms of and by means of reason, i.e., by means of discussion, persuasion, and contractual agreement, by voluntary choice to mutual benefit. The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that is crucial. It is the institution of private property that protects and implements the right to disagree—and thus keeps the road open to man’s most valuable attribute (valuable personally, socially, and objectively): the creative mind."

"Do You Ask What Moral Obligation I Owe To My" . . .

"Do you ask what moral obligation I owe to my fellow men? None—except the obligation I owe to myself, to material objects and to all of existence: rationality. I deal with men as my nature and theirs demands: by means of reason. I seek or desire nothing from them except such relations as they care to enter of their own voluntary choice. It is only with their mind that I can deal and only for my own self-interest, when they see that my interest coincides with theirs. When they don’t, I enter no relationship; I let dissenters go their way and I do not swerve from mine. I win by means of nothing but logic and I surrender to nothing but logic. I do not surrender my reason or deal with men who surrender theirs."

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Have You Emulated A Housekeeper, Doll or Yourself?

I am NOT a housekeeper or a doll, I AM myself! I do NOT obey anyone, because I adhere to a set of important values. Within those values, in my rational self-defense I have every right to defend myself when attacked, destroyed, or terrorized. Do you fucking understand me?

THINK of it!

"I came here to say that I do not recognize 
anyone's right to one minute of my life. 
Nor to any part of my energy. 
Nor to any achievement of mine. 
No matter who makes the claim, 
how large their number or how great their need. 
I wished to come here and say 
that I am a man who does not exist for others."
~ Ayn Rand

"The necessary consequence of man’s right to life is his right to self-defense. In a civilized society, force may be used only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use. All the reasons which make the initiation of physical force an evil, make the retaliatory use of physical force a moral imperative.
If some “pacifist” society renounced the retaliatory use of force, it would be left helplessly at the mercy of the first thug who decided to be immoral. Such a society would achieve the opposite of its intention: instead of abolishing evil, it would encourage and reward it."

Friday, February 16, 2018

"Your Mind Is Your Only Judge of Truth" ~ Ayn Rand

"Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it-that no substitute can do your thinking, as no pinch - hitter can live your life - that the vilest form of self-abasement and self-destruction is the subordination of your mind to the mind of another, the acceptance of an authority over your brain, the acceptance of his assertions as facts, his say-so as truth, his edicts as middle-man between your consciousness and your existence."

"No matter how vast your knowledge or how modest, it is your own mind that has to acquire it. It is only with your own knowledge that you can deal. It is only your own knowledge that you can claim to posses or ask others to consider. Your mind is your only judge of truth - and if others dissent from your verdict, reality is the court of final appeal. Nothing but a man's mind can perform that complex, delicate, crucial process of identification which is thinking. Nothing can direct the process but his own judgment. Nothing can direct his judgment but his moral integrity."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Independence 

Cautious, Careful People, Always Casting About To . . .


"Thinking is man's only basic virtue, from which all others proceed. And his basic vice, the source of all his evils, is that nameless act which all of you practice, but struggle never to admit: the act of blanking out, the willful suspension of one's consciousness, the refusal to think - not blindness, but the refusal to see; not ignorance, but the refusal to know.

It is the act of unfocusing your mind and inducing an inner fog to escape the responsibility of judgment - on the unstated premise that a thing will not exist if only you refuse to identify it, that A will not be A so long as you do not pronounce the verdict "it is."

Non-thinking is an act of annihilation, a wish to negate existence, an attempt to wipe out reality. But existence exists; reality is not to be wiped out, it will merely wipe out the wiper. By refusing to say "it is," you are refusing to say "I am." By suspending your judgment, you are negating your person.

When a man declares: "Who am I to know?" he is declaring: "Who am I to live?""

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Evasion

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Do You Hand Over Your Life & Mind To Shysters? I Don't!

"Your self is your mind; 
renounce it and you become
a chunk of meat
ready for any 
Cannibal to swallow." 

"The self you have betrayed is your mind; self-esteem is reliance on one's power to think. The ego you seek, that essential "you" which you cannot express or define, is not your emotions or inarticulate dreams, but your intellect, that judge of your supreme tribunal whom you've impeached in order to drift at the mercy of any stray shyster you describe as your "feeling."

"A man's self is his mind - the faculty that perceives reality, forms judgments, chooses values."

"The most selfish of all things is the independent mind that recognizes no authority higher than its own and no value higher than its judgment of truth." 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Quote To Comprehend, Contemplate and Grasp

I don't have shit to prove to one fuck on earth. Would YOU have the courage to show the fuck up to my face, after what the fuck YOU did to my life, with sandnigger fuck? That is the zillion $ question. If you do, you'll understand the quote above. I am NOT a, nor, your sacrificial animal!

I Got NO Fucking Game, Watch!

Do you get me fucks?

Watch what the fuck I AM waiting for!

Monday, February 5, 2018

"Wishing Won't Make It So" . . . .

"Ayn Rand's philosophy, Objectivsim
begins by embracing the basic fact
that existence exists. 
Reality is, and in the quest to live 
we must discover reality's nature 
and learn to act successfully in it. 

To exist is to be something, 
to possess a specific identity
This is the Law of Identity: 
A is A. Facts are facts, 
independent of any consciousness
No amount of passionate wishing, 
desperate longing or hopeful pleading 
can alter the facts. 
Nor will ignoring or evading 
the facts erase them: 
the facts remain, immutable. 

In Rand's philosophy, 
reality is not to be rewritten 
or escaped, 
but, solemnly and proudly, faced. 
One of her favorite sayings is 
Francis Bacon's: 
"Nature, to be commanded, 
must be obeyed."